Blankenburg for Congress

Stop the endless foreign wars


The politicians have wasted trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives on pointless wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. Politicians of both parties are to blame. And the consequences have been disastrous. It's time to fundamentally change the direction of our foreign policy.


Middle East

Americans don’t understand the Middle East. Our efforts there have been disastrous for America, Middle Eastern countries, and Europe. It’s time to stop meddling in their affairs. And Israel is a wealthy, technologically advanced country. They don’t need us interfering with them.


NATO was created to protect Europe from the Soviet Union, which hasn’t existed since 1991. Our NATO allies have never carried the burden of their own defense, relying on America taxpayers instead. And over the last 25 years, NATO has become the aggressor in Europe, slowing expanding right up to Russia’s border. NATO should be disbanded.


China has become increasingly hostile to America, our allies, and our interests. But China is not trying to defeat us militarily. They are trying to defeat us economically. Their Belt and Road initiative has enabled China to gain control over strategic resources like ports and waterways, oil, and critical minerals and metals like lithium, cobalt, platinum, uranium, and rare earths. And China’s BRICS alliance is a direct threat to the dollar and the current international monetary settlements system. The best way to deal with China is to make American economically strong again.


Our most immediate concerns are the mounting problems at home, including the invasion at our southern border. Fixing America must be our top national security priority.